Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Art Videos!

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

1. The first video I chose was The Drawings of Michelangelo. I chose this video because I find Michelangelo to be very interesting and I wanted to learn more about him and his work.
2. Some key concepts of this video was that Michelangelo would be 'horrified' if he knew that we were going to view his sketches, they were considered private. He sketched individually parts of the Sistine Chapel.  He started his sketches with the human form, and the details followed. He often destroyed his sketches. He was a perfectionist.
3. The video relates to the textbook because it further explores one of the Renaissance artists. It shows us his works/sketches and brings them to life. It also gives background about his life as well.
4. I found this video to be very interesting. I liked getting a glimpse into the mind of Michelangelo. It was a good resource to the text. 

1. The second video I chose was The Night Watch. I chose this video because I found the title to be interesting and I wanted to learn more.
2. Some key concepts of this video are that the Night Watch is a very heavy painting which I found interesting. I also learned that to the Dutch this painting has a great deal of feeling attached to it. This painting has been through a lot. It has been slashed, burned, had acid thrown on it as well as water.  The painting has a lot to look at, and it very detailed and complex.
3. This related to our textbook because it talks about various elements of art, and the story behind the painting. 
4. I liked this video, and I was also intrigued by the painting as I watched. It helped cement ideas put forth in our textbook. 

1. The third video I chose was Velazquez. I chose this video because I had never heard of this artist, and it spiked my curiosity. 
2. Some key concepts from this video are that Velazquez was a court painter to King Phillip the Fourth. He chronicled the life of the King, and created many paintings for the King. He was born in 1599 in Seville. He made trips to Italy. There is little known about him.
3. This video relates to our textbook because it takes a look at how paintings and politics can mix.
4. I liked this video a lot. It talked a lot about how political figures could benefit from artists, which we read about in our text. 

1. The final video I chose was La Primavera. I chose this video because I wanted to know what it was about, and it sounded interesting to me.
2. Some of the key concepts of this video are La Primavera (spring) is a very hotly debated painting. Some people view it as an allegory. Some view it as a sexual painting. Some see it as a botanical painting.  There are many different ideas as to what it's true meaning is. It is a large painting 10 feet tall, painted on wooden panels. There are 9 figures in the painting, and all of them are from classical myths. 
3. This relates to our textbook because we saw Bottecilli's painting "The Birth of Venus", and this is another one of his paintings. 
4. I liked this video, it explored a complex topic very well. I liked how everything was explained, and many viewpoints were shown. 

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