Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Project #1

My Photos!

This week we had an interesting project to complete. After doing our assigned reading, and learning about certain elements of photography, we got the chance to actually take photos to correspond to each element.
I really enjoyed having the chance to take what we are learning, and go hands on with it. By having to find my own examples of things such as lines, form and variety, I was able to get a firmer grasp on the concepts.
I decided I wanted to have a common theme of outdoors in my photos. So I went out into my backyard, and took shots of plants and various things around my yard. I had a lot of fun getting out there and taking pictures. I felt that this activity really solidified my understanding of this topic.
At first it was a little difficult to find something to correspond to each element. I had trouble finding something for form and variety. I found these two to be the most challenging of the list. I kept thinking of ideas, but they seemed to not fit the description just right. But I gave it my best shot.
I enjoyed being able to apply what I was learning on my own and in a fun setting. I hope we have more projects like this in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree variety was a hard one to find something to represent it. I thought you did really well finding the form and variety. They were all good pictures. I thought the line one you chose was interesting and different. Good Job!!
